Reality is catching up to colleges that offer liberal degrees but lack the hard real-world skills to secure a job that will enable you to repay the burdensome student loan debt. Similar to the for-profit colleges that offered degrees of dubious … [Read more...]
Got a College Degree but no place to live
According to the WSJ because so many college grads are graduating in deep student loan debt that is preventing college grads from buying a home. Do some research what colleges leave you in student loan debt? Name them with the links in the comments box. … [Read more...]
How much debt for a College Degree?
Is a college degree the new high school diploma? Here’s why your degree’s worth is stagnant.
Is a college degree the new high school diploma? Here’s why your degree’s worth is stagnant. High schools should offer joint HS diploma with a 2 year AA degree maybe work with boot camp providers to accelerate entry into the workforce. Based on research by the Georgetown Center … [Read more...]
My experience with for-profits colleges and the demise of ITT
Yeah I worked for know the for-profit colleges there was Westwood College, ICDC, Devry, ITT oh and the for profit model that led the digital diploma mill pack: the University of Phoenix. For test purposes I was employed on an adjunct basis by Westwood College, followed … [Read more...]