Some of my memorable classes were electronics, woodshop, small engines, machine shop being engaging learning by doing that was termed vocational education today that is known as Career Technical Education. Student portrayed in WSJ story decides to break the college going … [Read more...]
Skilled up AA degree will give you earnings power
The underestimated AA degree can be stronger career payoff than a standard BA and MA degree without any student loan debt. Saving-the-Associate-of-Arts-Degree produced by the good people at the American Enterprise Institute and have released a fresh research report … [Read more...]
My Top 10 EdTech topics for 2018
Happy New year 2018 2017 is pass us but there are some important education technology issues that I thought important to post my top 8 2018 edtech topics and how that will shape 2018. Not scientific just based on following online news sources, meeting local educators and … [Read more...]
Law Schools Collapse
Law schools such as the one in the article are starting to look like the for-profit colleges that went through the Obama era collapse for shady business practices but the legit law schools are no different than the for-profit sector. A product no longer in demand (lawyers) yet … [Read more...]
Hope for Liberal Arts majors
I know a little bit about obtaining skills to stay competitive in the 21st century job market and that was without the assistance of a career guide or services from my local college. Since I wanted to enter computer training I managed to secure a job with New Horizons Computer … [Read more...]
Americans losing faith in the college degree to deliver prosperity
Thats right. According to the September 7th Wall Street Journal erosion in the ability of the college degree to separate the haves-from the have-nots has only served to widen the chasm that exists in our country. Somewhat comparable to the sub-prime housing market debacle where … [Read more...]
Discount College Tuition Discounts from colleges? For the most part we have witnessed rising tuition and fees now looks like students and parents can negotiate a better financial aid package hence reducing the need for student loans or other types of college … [Read more...]
College grads earning cash
Looks like that investment in higher education is paying off for some select degree holders. Review the high paying college majors from the list below then decide which of those majors is right or wrong for you. This spring’s crop of college graduates has an extra reason to … [Read more...]
Name 3 steps to complete the FAFSA
How to Do the Fafsa Right Original page: Readers continually send us questions about how best to handle saving for and paying for higher education. This month we focus on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, known as the Fafsa, as well as “529” … [Read more...]
Colleges start offering Job Training….Finally
Reality is catching up to colleges that offer liberal degrees but lack the hard real-world skills to secure a job that will enable you to repay the burdensome student loan debt. Similar to the for-profit colleges that offered degrees of dubious … [Read more...]