Contradictory research from the people at Georgetown Center on Education and Workforce but safe to say vocational one year degree programs such as plumbing, electricians etc and technical certificates will outearn liberal arts and humanities except the STEM fields such as … [Read more...]
A drone or debt?
Bootcamps might be the cure to inequality the WSJ had a story about young people selecting the low-price bootcamp that offers skills in demand minus the burden of student loan debt. The college professor refers to students who attend bootcamps as "drones" yet provides no evidence … [Read more...]
College degree cannot compete with a Robot
The esteemed president of Northeastern University Joseph Aoun on colleges and universities refreshing their curriculum to meet the onslaught of Artificial Intelligence. Hire professionals with real-world skills to train college students over professors with theoretical knowledge; … [Read more...]
Private Industry prefers skills over theory
WSJ story validates my thoughts that four year college degree is outdated for the needs of the 21st century work-place. Private industry prefers skills according to non college grad Roy Edwards full-time employed probably with NO college student loan debt encouraged by an … [Read more...]
DeVos’s New College Try – The Wall Street Journal.
The feds need to apply the same legal assertive rigor that was applied toward the for-profit college sector and redirect energy and resources toward the private for-profit the "non-profit" colleges and universities that have graduated millions into student loan depression, … [Read more...]
Skilled up AA degree will give you earnings power
The underestimated AA degree can be stronger career payoff than a standard BA and MA degree without any student loan debt. Saving-the-Associate-of-Arts-Degree produced by the good people at the American Enterprise Institute and have released a fresh research report … [Read more...]
Digital Skills in Demand
Digital skills crucial in a connected economy that relies on technical skills to innovate products and services. People cannot improve their living standards on minimum wage but learning mastering contemporary digital skills keeps you competitive to employers. I have done my best … [Read more...]
Elon Musk says College is overrated
Another prominent college skeptic. Seems the college skeptic list gets longer with individuals such as Elon Musk focusing on skills and abilities over knowledge gained through the insulated college experience. Our k-12 systems is not teaching skills for young people to explore … [Read more...]
Hope for Liberal Arts majors
I know a little bit about obtaining skills to stay competitive in the 21st century job market and that was without the assistance of a career guide or services from my local college. Since I wanted to enter computer training I managed to secure a job with New Horizons Computer … [Read more...]
Just expect a low-paying gig
These are the lowest paying college majors according to this research I mean you can scrape by in big cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco Austin forget New York but expect to be dragged down by staggering student loan debt. Check with your local college website give them a … [Read more...]