Happy New year 2018 2017 is pass us but there are some important education technology issues that I thought important to post my top 8 2018 edtech topics and how that will shape 2018. Not scientific just based on following online news sources, meeting local educators and … [Read more...]
Students Loans for a Career in Decline
Over abundance of unemployed lawyers while we need STEM and entrepreneurship skills. Much of this law school mass production debacle took place before the onset of the Internet. Story last month in the Wall St.Journal on fueling the rise and the demise of the law school … [Read more...]
Law Schools Collapse
Law schools such as the one in the article are starting to look like the for-profit colleges that went through the Obama era collapse for shady business practices but the legit law schools are no different than the for-profit sector. A product no longer in demand (lawyers) yet … [Read more...]
Elon Musk says College is overrated
Another prominent college skeptic. Seems the college skeptic list gets longer with individuals such as Elon Musk focusing on skills and abilities over knowledge gained through the insulated college experience. Our k-12 systems is not teaching skills for young people to explore … [Read more...]
Hope for Liberal Arts majors
I know a little bit about obtaining skills to stay competitive in the 21st century job market and that was without the assistance of a career guide or services from my local college. Since I wanted to enter computer training I managed to secure a job with New Horizons Computer … [Read more...]
Americans losing faith in the college degree to deliver prosperity
Thats right. According to the September 7th Wall Street Journal erosion in the ability of the college degree to separate the haves-from the have-nots has only served to widen the chasm that exists in our country. Somewhat comparable to the sub-prime housing market debacle where … [Read more...]
What are your post high school plans?
In a paragraph 7-10 sentences or more insert hyperlinks and discuss your post high school plans...think will the diploma help advance you? Where do plan to attend college? Or get a job? Be specific, detailed, organized well written essay with your thoughts. Have others proofread … [Read more...]
Best age for a high school diploma?
College grads earning cash
Looks like that investment in higher education is paying off for some select degree holders. Review the high paying college majors from the list below then decide which of those majors is right or wrong for you. This spring’s crop of college graduates has an extra reason to … [Read more...]
Select a career choice
Based on your research select 1 career choice: … [Read more...]