Based on your research select 1 career choice: … [Read more...]
Colleges start offering Job Training….Finally
Reality is catching up to colleges that offer liberal degrees but lack the hard real-world skills to secure a job that will enable you to repay the burdensome student loan debt. Similar to the for-profit colleges that offered degrees of dubious … [Read more...]
What 2 year degrees earn you more cash than 4 year degrees?
Conduct research and list 5 - 2 year college degrees that outpay traditional 4 year college degrees. Post in the comments section with links. Provide the name of the 2 year college, name and title of the 2 year degree with salary. … [Read more...]
You need a Graduate degree to earn a $100,000 or more
Most of the professions listed in the Wall St.Journal article require a master's degree or professional degree to reach $100,000+ a year. List 5 of the professions in the comments section how much education and the annual salary. … [Read more...]
Can I get fries with that college degree?
1 year college no debt degree offered by Mission U no frills no extracurricular activities just a skill oriented in-demand college degree with NO student loan debt. The future of learning is here. Currently Mission U has 1 degree but plan to expand their degree offerings and … [Read more...]
College Survey
Post any feedback in the comments section. Thank you a billion for your participation. … [Read more...]
An Expensive Law Degree, and No Place to Use It – The New York Times
An Expensive Law Degree, and No Place to Use It - The New York Times Code camps will get you a job with minimal to no student loan debt. We can somewhat now group law schools with for-profit schools that promised employment or lucrative careers instead students are left with … [Read more...]
Be a Super Networker and Successful like Art Lewin
I did not have an opportunity to see Steve Jobs speak at Stanford but on Saturday May 14th 2016 I was thrilled to see an amazing friend and entrepreneur Art Lewin give a presentation on business networking at the Stanford University Faculty Club … [Read more...]
College Major determines your income Sad to see that certain majors relegate graduates to the lower income strata that makes it difficult to repay student loans and keep up with the cost-of-living. For Blacks and … [Read more...]