The underestimated AA degree can be stronger career payoff than a standard BA and MA degree without any student loan debt. Saving-the-Associate-of-Arts-Degree produced by the good people at the American Enterprise Institute and have released a fresh research report … [Read more...]
Elon Musk says College is overrated
Another prominent college skeptic. Seems the college skeptic list gets longer with individuals such as Elon Musk focusing on skills and abilities over knowledge gained through the insulated college experience. Our k-12 systems is not teaching skills for young people to explore … [Read more...]
Hope for Liberal Arts majors
I know a little bit about obtaining skills to stay competitive in the 21st century job market and that was without the assistance of a career guide or services from my local college. Since I wanted to enter computer training I managed to secure a job with New Horizons Computer … [Read more...]
Harvard takes the top spot…again
Harvard has a massive endowment that dwarfs several countries so they have the resources to invest in people and university services. Here is the list from the Wall Street Journal I am disappointed to see one of the top colleges west of the Mississippi not make the cut or even … [Read more...]
Americans losing faith in the college degree to deliver prosperity
Thats right. According to the September 7th Wall Street Journal erosion in the ability of the college degree to separate the haves-from the have-nots has only served to widen the chasm that exists in our country. Somewhat comparable to the sub-prime housing market debacle where … [Read more...]
World Famous Investor Discourages his Daughter to Attend College
I have read several books by author and investor James Altucher and blown away by the ass-kicking talent that comes on his podcasting program such as Anthony Robbins a non-college grad worth in the millions of dollars. James recounts his failure to discourage his daughter from … [Read more...]
The College Degree AND Skills…
Also, I often take the time to quickly interview young people working in fast food, local grocery stores and other places. I will survey them, by asking what high school they graduated from and if they are attending college. One very common thread emerges after these brief … [Read more...]
Algebra Assistance
Here is something to help you with Algebra. Anything to see you succeed in school and career. This was created by Cymath … [Read more...]
What are your post high school plans?
In a paragraph 7-10 sentences or more insert hyperlinks and discuss your post high school plans...think will the diploma help advance you? Where do plan to attend college? Or get a job? Be specific, detailed, organized well written essay with your thoughts. Have others proofread … [Read more...]
Famous non-college grads give advise to college grads
What attributes do famous non-college grads have over those students who complete a college degree yet fail to achieve their dreams? Were the factors a nurturing supportive family a positive k-12 learning environment that encouraged curiosity? Since these celebrity non-college … [Read more...]