Patrick Bet-David going off on the college degree I love Peter Thiel's idea to pay high school graduates to skip college and start a business. Why not test their business idea in this hostile business environment the Biden bureaucrats doing everything they can do stifle and … [Read more...]
Take on Debt for College Degree of Dubious Value?
Labor Day post for September 2021. Is it worth going through the hassle of college loan debt for a college degree that is similar to a new car rolling off a lot that drops in value by 20% and after four to five years there is weak return on investment. A Labor Day weekend story … [Read more...]
Film Dreams go to Debt Incredible a massive amount of debt taking on by aspiring filmmakers yet Columbia University and other Ivy League for-profit schools leave their students mired in … [Read more...]
Top 10 Best and Worst Paying MA Degrees
Best advice is to have your employer pay for a Master's of Arts known as an MA degree or tuition reimbursement. Unless you plan to be in one of these high-paying careers then it makes no sense to spend hours and time on an MA degree that keeps you in debt depression. If you plan … [Read more...]
Student-Debt Forgiveness May Be Lighting a Tax-Bomb Fuse – The Wall Street Journal.
Student-Debt Forgiveness May Be Lighting a Tax-Bomb Fuse Another scenario increasingly the federal government confiscating reducing your social security or any … [Read more...]