The underestimated AA degree can be stronger career payoff than a standard BA and MA degree without any student loan debt. Saving-the-Associate-of-Arts-Degree produced by the good people at the American Enterprise Institute and have released a fresh research report … [Read more...]
My Top 10 EdTech topics for 2018
Happy New year 2018 2017 is pass us but there are some important education technology issues that I thought important to post my top 8 2018 edtech topics and how that will shape 2018. Not scientific just based on following online news sources, meeting local educators and … [Read more...]
Elon Musk says College is overrated
Another prominent college skeptic. Seems the college skeptic list gets longer with individuals such as Elon Musk focusing on skills and abilities over knowledge gained through the insulated college experience. Our k-12 systems is not teaching skills for young people to explore … [Read more...]
Just expect a low-paying gig
These are the lowest paying college majors according to this research I mean you can scrape by in big cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco Austin forget New York but expect to be dragged down by staggering student loan debt. Check with your local college website give them a … [Read more...]
World Famous Investor Discourages his Daughter to Attend College
I have read several books by author and investor James Altucher and blown away by the ass-kicking talent that comes on his podcasting program such as Anthony Robbins a non-college grad worth in the millions of dollars. James recounts his failure to discourage his daughter from … [Read more...]
What are your post high school plans?
In a paragraph 7-10 sentences or more insert hyperlinks and discuss your post high school plans...think will the diploma help advance you? Where do plan to attend college? Or get a job? Be specific, detailed, organized well written essay with your thoughts. Have others proofread … [Read more...]
Why are high school students going to college?
College Enrollment Among High-School Grads Nears Record High Most high-school graduates enrolling in college in 2016 chose a four-year college instead of a two-year college. Photo: Mark Makela/Reuters By Sarah … [Read more...]
A New Kind of Jobs Program for Middle America – WSJ
A New Kind of Jobs Program for Middle America - WSJ Coding our country to prosperity. Rocket straight to the middle class with a 1 or less intense training in coding or other in-demand digital skills that have higher return on investment than other traditional paths. You are … [Read more...]
Be a Super Networker and Successful like Art Lewin
I did not have an opportunity to see Steve Jobs speak at Stanford but on Saturday May 14th 2016 I was thrilled to see an amazing friend and entrepreneur Art Lewin give a presentation on business networking at the Stanford University Faculty Club … [Read more...]