Just read intriguing article by Simon Black over at Sovereignman.com where he offers the idea of attending college for free or extremely inexpensive for a fraction of the US cost. Best of all most of these global online colleges or on ground possess accreditation of one form or … [Read more...]
Questionable MBA Rankings
I do not have an MBA known as a Master of Business Administration but the expenses directed toward the pursuit of an MBA just looks like there are better options unless your employer is generous to pick-up the MBA tuition tab. When it comes to the time and expense of an MBA … [Read more...]
Millennials crushed by cost of college
Saddest part to the ongoing college debt saga are dashed dreams hopes diminished because millennials carry a ton of student loan debt that limits millennials career options read the story here charts tell in graphic detail the downward grind of those considered to be … [Read more...]
The Cost of College Podcast
It's back to school time, so @antonydavies and I take a look at whether college is worth the cost. Short answer: depends on the major. Have a listen here; subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. https://t.co/0N5KIkf6iM — James R. Harrigan (@JamesRHarrigan) August 8, 2018 … [Read more...]
Innovative Projects over Grades
I know I know just seems WSJ is coming out with some piercing education news this one on GRADE INFLATION that makes a blimp look small I never made HONORS anything I was a superlative "C" student best in class if I was going to be a C student then do it with C-lass. Vocational … [Read more...]
Million dollar student loan debt! Was it worth the headache and stress?
Orthodontist Mike Meru has it all: family, home, career, and a $1 million student-loan debt that keeps growing. https://t.co/kW6anjtE2s via @WSJ Million dollars in Student loan debt depression! — Felipe (@needcollegehelp) May 25, 2018 … [Read more...]
Black College Grad Debt Debacle
Although Black students are graduating in record high school and college graduation numbers a recent sobering marketplace article on Black college and non-college grads graduating in student loan debt depression. I ask where is the k-12 career guidance and direction on selecting … [Read more...]
Colleges Hiding Student Loan Debt Data
Another reason for college transparency and clarification forbearance occurs when you are unemployed for an extended period of time I know from personal experience but colleges should present to potential students and parents the actual numbers behind student loan default rates. … [Read more...]
A drone or debt?
Bootcamps might be the cure to inequality the WSJ had a story about young people selecting the low-price bootcamp that offers skills in demand minus the burden of student loan debt. The college professor refers to students who attend bootcamps as "drones" yet provides no evidence … [Read more...]
DeVos’s New College Try – The Wall Street Journal.
The feds need to apply the same legal assertive rigor that was applied toward the for-profit college sector and redirect energy and resources toward the private for-profit the "non-profit" colleges and universities that have graduated millions into student loan depression, … [Read more...]