Student-Debt Forgiveness May Be Lighting a Tax-Bomb Fuse Another scenario increasingly the federal government confiscating reducing your social security or any … [Read more...]
No College Degree to earn $100,000 plus
Today's story from WSJ on the urgent demand for cybersecurity professionals best of all training to be a cybersecurity pro does not require a lengthy college degree 4-5 years, a master's degree another 1-2 years before hitting the $100,000 a minimum wage in high cost cities like … [Read more...]
Private Industry prefers skills over theory
WSJ story validates my thoughts that four year college degree is outdated for the needs of the 21st century work-place. Private industry prefers skills according to non college grad Roy Edwards full-time employed probably with NO college student loan debt encouraged by an … [Read more...]
Students Loans for a Career in Decline
Over abundance of unemployed lawyers while we need STEM and entrepreneurship skills. Much of this law school mass production debacle took place before the onset of the Internet. Story last month in the Wall St.Journal on fueling the rise and the demise of the law school … [Read more...]
Digital Skills in Demand
Digital skills crucial in a connected economy that relies on technical skills to innovate products and services. People cannot improve their living standards on minimum wage but learning mastering contemporary digital skills keeps you competitive to employers. I have done my best … [Read more...]
World Famous Investor Discourages his Daughter to Attend College
I have read several books by author and investor James Altucher and blown away by the ass-kicking talent that comes on his podcasting program such as Anthony Robbins a non-college grad worth in the millions of dollars. James recounts his failure to discourage his daughter from … [Read more...]
Are Certificates the NEW College degree??
Read the article from Forbes on the economic value of certifications that exceed the pay and salary for many careers that require a plain vanilla liberal arts degree. At the middle and high school introduce expand online certifications through the major certificate providers such … [Read more...]
My survey Spring 2017 CTE Instruction
My recent June 2017 original student surveys. All the students were great I did permit smartphones, view online content and complete projects on their google classroom no books or paper-a green class and students created a portfolio of all completed assignments. … [Read more...]
College grads earning cash
Looks like that investment in higher education is paying off for some select degree holders. Review the high paying college majors from the list below then decide which of those majors is right or wrong for you. This spring’s crop of college graduates has an extra reason to … [Read more...]
Select a career choice
Based on your research select 1 career choice: … [Read more...]