Ph.D-Is it a Useless Degree-Career Pivot
I think the time and effort spent in pursuing a PhD could be invested in creating a business that could reap far greater emotional professional rewards than all the energy on a degree that may not secure employment in any field.
I believe a college degree is starting to become the new high school diploma because it’s not certain you may get the job after graduation. It helps get more more knowledge about a subject, but it’s still not 100% you may get the job. So now it’s going to be more about what you make about yourself.
I believe that it is possible to not have a PhD and become successful with a business, but not everyone is inspiring to create a career with a business. The down side with a PhD is that there isn’t a guarantee that you will get a job. With a business you can get the same reward that you would want to get with a PhD.
I believe that the whole time you are trying to get a PhD you should rather be looking for a businesses that you want. Ensted of taking over 7 years trying to get a PhD you should be looking for a good business.You will have more time to find something that you want.
I belive we need college diploma because it really will show where your drege is neeed it always important
It doesn’t have to a be waste of time or too time consuming for some people if they go full time in college. If you’re not a person who likes to take risky decisions and play it safe for at least a six figure salary, then a PHD is for you. There are people who would take risky steps financially and creating is a business is for them as long as they like it.
i believe we need a college diploma becuase it can be very help for any job you might wanna work in. a college dimploma in any work means a lot the jobs out there needing people to work.
I believe that having a college degree will help you in life and become a more accomplish person and also get a better pay rate than a person with a High School Diploma. Those are the reasons why i think having a College Degree is better for everybody.
It doesn’t have to a be waste of time or too time consuming for some people if they go full time in college. If you’re not a person who likes to take risky decisions and play it safe for at least a six figure salary, then a PHD is for you. There are people who would take risky steps financially and creating is a business is for them as long as they like it. Even though most jobs don’t require a college degree; a college degree may get you better pay, and more qualification to employment.
I believe a PHD is still good at the moment. It helps you get a job compared to someone who only has a highschool diploma. Also you know more on the subject.
A PhD would highly be recommended. It would give you more opportunities. The more chances you have you need to take them. It will lead you a successful and brighter future.
I believe that having a college degree will have a greater impact in succeeding later on in your life. The reason is because if you don’t get a college degree you cant have a good job ,instead your stuck with the basic jobs making the basic minimum amount. And many don’t want to make the minimum amount of money, they want to make more. That’s why having a college degree is beneficial because itll all pay off once your making good money and living a good life. All it takes is a few more years of school, and a little bit of hard work.
A College Diploma can be really useful on the hunt for jobs. Most jobs require both highschool and college diplomas and it would look bad on your part if you only have a highschool diploma.
I believe that a college degree would be more beneficial. It would be more beneficial than a high school diploma because you will have higher opportunities to get better jobs. Also, you went to college for a reason, you went to it so you could go into a career. If you’re lucky you will go and work in the career you went into college for.
A College Diploma will give you a higher chance of getting a job. You’re competing with thousands of other employees applying for the job so you have to be able to stand out and not fall in with the rest of the crowd.
A College Diploma can be really helpful when trying t get a job. if you get a college diploma it helps you get better opportunities to get the job of your choice!
A College Diploma can help with trying to find better job compared to someone who has only a high school diploma. It all depends on who the person is and what they are capable of doing. You can have only a high school diploma and be as successful as someone with a college degree.
In my opinion it depends on the career you want to do. A college deploma is helpful but its not the only way to be successful. Like the article said instead of purchasing a PhD sometimes its better to invest it in creating a business that can pay ypu even more.
College degrees are better than just a high school diploma because you can work a job position that pays higher than minimum wage. You will succeed more in you career and life with a college degree.
College degrees are becoming the new high school diploma, however it is possible to be more successful without a college education. For “typical” jobs it is helpful to have some college education and a PhD will boost your success rate. For jobs that aren’t as common it might not be necessary to go to college.
I believe that it is possible to not have a PhD and become successful with a business. College degrees are becoming the new high school diploma. In my opinion it depends on the career you want to do.
I believe education is really important and especially after high school. You have to ask yourself “do I really want to have a sad boring life in the future?” because I don’t. You also don’t want people taking advantage of you just because you don’t have a degree in anything. They promise you 1 thing and give you another.
I very much so like the idea of a joint-diploma system. It appears to be a more innovative system for students to reach out to receiving a higher level education. The education is expanding its walls into more ideas and greater possibilities which is great.
Yes innovation to accelerate achievement.
I believe a useless career is to pursue a Phd. For some people it will not matter for them if they have a Phd or not. With the BA degree you cannot guarantee how hard its gonna be to get a much higher degree such as a master degree.
I believe a PhD is a useful tool, it gives out a sence of respect and title that requires long and arduous years of work which separates the individual from useless and meaningless pursuits, focusing all its energy in getting the title of doctor. However, getting a PhD is such time consuming work that, when looked upon, could have been spent in a more productive goal, like making your own business; nevertheless, getting a PhD nearly guarantees that one will have a stable future with a fair paying job, while businesses are difficult to start and could fail more easily.
A degree that involves scientific study or certifies people in competitive industries is important and necessary to pursue certain careers. However, there is a vast multitude of careers that can be performed to the fullest without a degree. I believe it depends on which career you need to pursue.