I know I know just seems WSJ is coming out with some piercing education news this one on GRADE INFLATION that makes a blimp look small I never made HONORS anything I was a superlative “C” student best in class if I was going to be a C student then do it with C-lass. Vocational education was my favorite subject in middle school that was woodshop, machine shop, electronics, I had the luxury of taking photography and video classes all in HIGH SCHOOL the rest….history,economics,politics I could read books my college degrees validated my pre-existing knowledge. Shop classes were appropriate for that time “hands-on” learning was the focus that was fine I am glad I was “tracked” into vocational arts turned out ok I enjoy my photography video hobby.
I strongly believe in learning by doing. What’s the point of learning without having the opportunity to apply it? Application 10-12 years later is not good enough. Young people need experience. Books and lectures do not provide experience. The people who love to teach and give children experiences are not supported. They are told what to do by people who want to control and contain our youth. The children are not the problem. The parents are not the problem. The teachers are not the problem. The problem is the pursuit of power and control in administration which has nothing to do with enriching the minds of the next generation. The money that governments pour into into schools attracts the greedy and vile…I can go on, but I’ll stop. Give the children more opportunities to create and build things. If they do, they’ll be more confident to create a better society.