One of my comedians is Greg Gutfeld over at Fox and just everything he has to say about phasing out eliminating unnecessary college degrees that do not lead to any type of employment outcome. Just like anything you have to conduct your due diligence research don’t just plunge into a major like I did without any research. Unfortunately, I did not have the guidance and direction that you can receive today. Yeah I think with better guidance and direction hearing from people what are they doing with their degrees. You know I graduated back in the 90s pre computer and Internet everything was done by paper traditional so today you have artificial intelligence. There are online resources that allow you to bypass the traditional outdated methods of college and career advice or lack of trained staff at your typical high school and community college. Then you have the issue of college politics, cancer culture or the restriction of certain types of views of that I never experienced when I was attending community college or my state university. All these issues have Americans questioning the value and time in a college degree.

I remember my community college and state university having their sparsely attended free speech days more like entertainment no one seriously took their rants. We would occasionally see a commie or other socialist type and no one bothered, harassed them about their political perspective the speaker would have his time and that was it no hassle. Today there is “cancel-culture” “safe-spaces” people with pro-American views are discouraged from being themselves, speaking out for America’s best interests. Many people may remember the late 1960s and the free speech movement up at UC Berkeley with communist able to use free speech to denounce the United States and the Vietnam War but today anti-Americanism is now the norm. Unlike the 1960s the new radicals are the ones challenging liberal left orthodoxy that has taken over America’s colleges and universities. Like Mike Rowe, Professor John McWhorter the last best hope is with the non-college degree, small business owners and entrepreneurs.

I like that the “post degree” era is here. With $1.4 trillion in student loan debt and thousands of college grads un or underemployed, with college degrees that do not connect to the real world, employment.
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