What is hustle? Can you learn that topic in a college usually taught by someone with a lifetime job (tenure) or is hustle you learn through life experiences? The challenges of life come in different forms some people have it easy or as my mother would say “comodo” or comfortable that upbringing may contribute to success such as landing a job. But is landing a traditional 9-5 job or keeping your head above water success? As Art Lewin author of the Hustle Code with others profiled in this wonderful inspiring book about courage, resourcefulness, improvisation overcoming incredible odds in fact most of the authors in the Hustle Code book fit the typical socioeconomic profile: broken homes, single parents, alcohol and drug abuse yet the odds against success did not discourage these valiant men instead they tried and tried until they discovered their positive natural talents as entrepreneurs. In the case of immigrant Art Lewin from Chile (not the pepper) a Beverly Hills clothier to movie stars, big-time business people and superstar athletes he cultivated his taste in fabrics to a winning business formula that allows him to live the amazing American dream. Art Lewin is your classic Horatio Alger story yes, a lift-up-by-your-bootstraps attitude that enable him and family to achieve what eludes so many us. Reading his autobiography refreshes my memory of other American entrepreneurs such as my favorite-Steve Jobs who probably would only buy suits from a style master such as Art Lewin. Just so happens on numerous occasions I have met and spoken with Art Lewin back in 2012 at a Stanford business conference out of the many academics speaking business only Art Lewin stood out from the other “Phds” because he spoke about a “PhD” ha-ha I said oh yeah another academic with a lifetime job instead Art carefully revealed that P stood for Poor, H-Hungry and d for Desperate or dirty as if a bolt of lightning had struck is the reason for Art’s spectacular American success. There is NO school curriculum for that type of PhD! What college is going to teach you to be HUNGRY forget it that’s why colleges have cafeterias….Hungry is a feeling starving or looking in the fridge with NO food and mom says go out there “hustle” apply your natural instincts. Like my idol Steve Jobs Art Lewin is a great teacher of life with NO college degree. Read the book and learn success from “Dr” Art Lewin.
I feel being truly hungry to work and the ability to push yourself through the tough times is fundamental for being successful. Tough things happen in life. How you deal with these times can impact your ability to be happy. Its less about what you have and more about your relationships and the love you give and receive.