In your own words do not copy and paste from other sites.
Use own ideas and thoughts. Please place your name and last name for credit.
Include websites or URLs in your blog post.
List the reasons why kids are crazy about Minecraft.
What is net neutrality?
List the 10 most recent cyberhacking incidents.
What is your favorite device to use…a smartphone or tablet and why.
Name your 3 favorite websites that help you with homework or learning.
Well in my opinion I can kind of explain why kids are crazy about Minecraft considering my brother and sister are obsessed with it. I think the reason why they are so crazy about Minecraft is because they like the fact that you get to build things on your own & explore the place to find things . Net neutrality is internet service that people can access to when ever without the page blocking you from it. The 10 most recent cyber hacking incidents were the JPMorgan Chase, Yahoo, Skype, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, Credit Cards to Target, PlayStation Accounts and Burger Kind hacking. My favorite device to use is a smartphone because its better to carry around and you can take it anywhere you want unlike a tablet that cant fit in your pocket. Three websites that help me with hw are Homework Center, Homework Hub and Homework spot.
What is your favorite device to use…a smartphone or tablet and why.
A tablet is my favorite thing to use because it has a way bigger screen than smartphones and because it has more memory to download movies, games, music, etc.
My favorite device to use is my iphone because I can take it anywhere and just fit it into my pocket and I can do a lot with it, and makes it easier to contact people. Also, I get internet on their so I don’t have to connect to wifi to be able to use the internet.
The reason Minecraft is so popular is because you can build stuff and like the game is infinite. Also little kids have active imaginations so like they can just build what ever they want. Also the game has a bunch of user-created mods so there’s always new things to do. If your 20+ and still playing Minecraft than you are a loser. ~(^-^~)
Simply just because they love the game and it’s graphics.
Also, It doesn’t matter what phone kids get. As long as it has 4G and some social apps along with it, but my personal phone or techy device would have to be the Play Station 3
1) They like it so much because they can’t find any REAL games to play, minecraft is horrible! How about they pick up a basketball and go outside.
2) I don’t know, isn’t something about the government or something
3) They hacked staples(The Store) and Ebay….I don’t think any attacks have happened recently
4) I use a droid because it’s better and doesn’t get hacked like a certain device…Iphone can trash it
5) 1] 2] 3] (I use these because I’m Kanye West)
Kids are crazy for Minecraft because it is a game where it lets them express themselves and it lets them be proud of the achievments they accomplished.For example, they find abandoned gold mines or build a portal. It also allows them to be social with friends around the United States with the same liking for Minecraft.
Net neutrality is the principle that Internet providers and governments should treat all data on the internet equal.
Cyber Hacking Incidents:
3.Snap Chat
5.Target customer accounts
6.Adobe Accounts
7.Burger King Twitter Account
8. Playstation Accounts
9.Stuxnet BotNet
10.Saudi Arabia
I like using a tablet preferably a google tablet because, for one it is a bigger screen, and because a lot more stuff is free on the google play store. I also like tablets because it is easy to show your friends and family photos because it is a bigger screen.
3 favorite websites that help with homework are,, and
~Kids are crazy about mine craft because they get to build their own world, they get to be creative, and apparently it helps students to read, mostly the younger kids.
~Net Neutrality is the principle of internet service providers to be able to enter applications and so on.
~Malware attacks on Yahoo, Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Skype’s Platforms, Snapchat Hacked, TAO Division of NSA Hacks Computers Globally, London Twitter Users Spammed During Christmas, Target Credit Cards and Customer Info Hacked, Nearly 2 Million Online Accounts Hacked, Adobe Hacking, The SpamHaus Attacks, Fake Tweet on ‘Obama, Explosions’, and Burger King Hacking.
~My smartphone, because I can take pictures, call and text people, I can socialize, I can read things I like, and listen to music.
~Three websites that I use to help me with my homework is #1 Google, #2, and #3 Yahoo.
net neutrality- is a principle that internet service providers should enable access to all applications regardless of the source and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.
1. minecraft is a fun free open world that’s very fun and that is more appealing to kids and teens.
2. some internet service providers must enable access to all the contents.
3.home depot, JP Morgan, wells Fargo , social numbers, I cloud, city bank, pokemon game hacking, Microsoft , drop boxes, snap chat.
4. ipod its easy to use and i just like it.
5. khan, google, and sylvan.
1. I feel people like Minecraft for many reasons. People like being creative and that’s a good thing because the people playing Minecraft could become future artist’s. It’s like building their own world and even I am joining the fun as I started playing a little Minecraft.
2. Some internet service providers that must enable access to all the content and applications without blocking sites.
3. – Home Depot, JP Morgan Chase, Social Security, iCloud, Wells Fargo, City Bank, Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Demo, Microsoft, Dropbox, and Snapchat.
4. I like to use my laptop because it is useful for homework and I like to play Minecraft and Fifa 15 on it.
5., Khan, and Sylvan
Excellent selection of websites to assist you with homework and college preparation.
Minecraft allows students like yourself to build and create projects.
My favorite device to use is my smartphone because it’s more portable than a tablet, I can call/text people, take pictures and listen to music. 🙂
Seems easier for you to post on a mobile device over a desktop.
1- I don’t really know because I don’t play but I think kids are obsessed with it because they can create their own things and not have anyone tell them what to do.
2- the principle Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source
3- I haven’t heard of any cyberattacks?
4- I personally prefer my smartphone because I can text, call and do many other stuff. Also I can take it with me everywhere and I can just put it in my pocket.
5- 1#, 2#, 3#
Kids are so crazy about mind craft because they like building things they can use their imagination and building wild things and they are bored and don’t like doing physical activities.
Kids love Minecraft because it opens a world of creativity to the child. This is how much kids like minecraft, since the games release in 2009 the game has sold 20 million copies.
Net neutrality is the internet service providers. This allows us to submit applications.
Yahoo Snap Chat Target Adobe Twitter Burger King
Smartphone because i don’t have a tablet.
Instaedu, Pretoexperts, Sladder
My favorite device to use is my smartphone because I have all my music and pictures and all the people I talk too.
Kids are crazy about mind craft because its they like to building stuff and play games.
I believe kids are crazy about minecraft because they are young and the younger you have the biggest imagination. So in minecraft can help them be creative because eventually all that imagination will go away.
I also think that my smartphone is my favorite devise because its smaller , you can use it anywhere and you can put it your pocket. so the devise i prefer is my smartphone.
kids are crazy about minecraft because is a fun free open world , you could be creative , you could use your imagination . ( I don’t play minecraft by the way)
People are crazy about minecraft because you get to build your own world, and they get to build stuff fight with others and even join other peoples world. Also because you get to you can play with friends and make your own servers. and their are even adults who enjoy playing minecraft.
My favorite device to use is my smartphone because I get to text my friends and I get to go on instagram and twitter and I also have games, and also its easier to carry around a lot. so I prefer my smartphone. than anything else like a tablet or a laptop ((:
–I think people play minecraft because they get to do what ever they want and they get to create things. And the game has no rules.
–My favorite device to use is a smart phone because its small and you can take it anywhere you want. also you are able to contact people and you have wifi on your phone so you dont have to worry about getting connected to wifi.
My favorite device to use is a smart phone because it is small and portable. It is easier to handle and you are able to use it whenever you want.
What is your favorite device to use…a smartphone or tablet and why?
My favorite device to use is my Iphone 6. I recently got it and i have felt in love with it very much. The screen is much big which is an upgrade. I can do various things on it like watch movies, Play games, go on instagram. I can now do this with a big screen. I really like the model of the new Iphone. Its very well designed. Two huge upgrades are the battery life and sound level. I can be on my iphone for a long period of time and also hear audio louder and fluent. Iphone 6 is really amazing .
My favorite device to use is a smartphone because it is easier to carry around because of it’s size. It is also very useful.
One of the websites that help me the most is because i use it to do help myself with vocabulary words.Another website that help me with my homework(math) is Khan Academy, and i use it when i don’t understand an assignment. The third website that helps me with my homework is with my math homework.
i like to use my tablet because it has a bigger screen and i can do more work with it + i don’t have to use a paper and a pencil so it saves trees and we get more air
In my opinion, my favorite device to use is a tablet. You can watch/view everything is a bigger screen. Netflix is better in a bigger screen.
i thing that kids like minecraft because they like building stuff and exploring places + you can blow things up
My top 3 favorite websites to help me with my homework are , , and All 3 help me when I am struggling with my homework.
My top 3 best websites to help me with my homework are , , and All 3 help me when I am struggling with my homework.
My favorite device to use is a phone because it’s smaller and i can put it away easier. Sometimes you can’t play a certain game because it’s to big and your hands are not big enough. I can still hear music and everything with my phone.
I think kids get crazy with minecraft because they get so attached to it . They like searching items such as coal, wood, wool, etc. They get those items so they can make weapons. They get so crazy because they want to finish building their house or upgrading it or defeating the monsters.
Because they are attached to it really.
My three favorite websites that I use to do my homework is , and
Thank you for those helpful websites for you and other students.
I have had Minecraft for 2 and half years now and its mostly craved by me and other kids because it is a social fighting game, playing on servers give us wide range of options unlike other games that just focus on the storyline.
I like how you use the word “crave” and “social fighting game” very good answers.
The reason kids are crazy over minecraft
The reason I think kids are crazy about minecraft is because you have the option to do what ever you want. You can build a house, have a pet, sleep, bake a cake and may more, you also get free realm. There is no other game like minecraft.
What is net neutrality?
Net Neutrality is a principle that internet service provides should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.
My favorite devices to use
My favorite device is my PS4 and my Iphone and my macbook pro.
Favorite home work website
I find and and
Solid answers and research.
kids like minecraft because they are addicted to it, and have friends that they communicate with online …
people are crazy about minecraft because they get attached and they also get to build and destroy stuff.
That’s important students get to build their own materials.
Net neutrality is that internet service providers should not block websites or particular products. And should make available any applications and all content.
To the point answer.
My 3 favorite websites that help me with my homework or learning are Google , Webster Dictionary , Cool Math Games.
Super choices to help with those late night homework assignments.
The device that i mostly use is my phone. I use this because it has more gadgets such as the phone, messages, and 4G. This 4G is a internet provider that goes with you everywhere you are, you have internet.(Excluding other countries) On the other hand the tablet is useless without WIFI. The only use in the go is to play games and take pictures. so for these reasons I like my phone better.
Detailed specific answers. Right on target.
I think kids are crazy about Minecraft because it is addicting and made other kids overhyped and popular youtubers also made kids play it, and made them play for hours.
Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication. The term was coined by Columbia media law professor Tim Wu in 2003 as an extension of the longstanding concept of a common carrier. Proponents often see net neutrality as an important component of an open Internet, where policies such as equal treatment of data and open web standards allow those on the Internet to easily communicate and conduct business without interference from a third party. A “closed Internet” refers to the opposite situation, in which established corporations or governments favor certain uses. A closed Internet may have restricted access to necessary web standards, artificially degrade some services, or explicitly filter out content.
The WANK Worm (October 1989)
Possibly the first “hacktivist” (hacking activist) attack, the WANK worm hit NASA offices in Greenbelt, Maryland. WANK (Worms Against Nuclear Killers) ran a banner (pictured) across system computers as part of a protest to stop the launch of the plutonium-fueled, Jupiter-bound Galileo probe. Cleaning up after the crack has been said to have cost NASA up to a half of a million dollars in time and resources. To this day, no one is quite sure where the attack originated, though many fingers have pointed to Melbourne, Australia-based hackers.
Ministry of Defense Satellite Hacked (February 1999)
A small group of hackers traced to southern England gained control of a MoD Skynet military satellite and signaled a security intrusion characterized by officials as “information warfare,” in which an enemy attacks by disrupting military communications. In the end, the hackers managed to reprogram the control system before being discovered. Though Scotland Yard’s Computer Crimes Unit and the U.S. Air Force worked together to investigate the case, no arrests have been made.
CD Universe Credit Card Breach (January 2000)
A blackmail scheme gone wrong, the posting of over 300,000 credit card numbers by hacker Maxim on a Web site entitled “The Maxus Credit Card Pipeline” has remained unsolved since early 2000. Maxim stole the credit card information by breaching; he or she then demanded $100,000 from the Web site in exchange for destroying the data. While Maxim is believed to be from Eastern Europe, the case remains as of yet unsolved.
Ministry of Defense Satellite Hacked (February 1999)Military Source Code Stolen (December 2000)
If there’s one thing you don’t want in the wrong hands, it’s the source code that can control missile-guidance systems. In winter of 2000, a hacker broke into government-contracted Exigent Software Technology and nabbed two-thirds of the code for Exigent’s OS/COMET software, which is responsible for both missile and satellite guidance, from the Naval Research Lab in Washington, D.C. Officials were able to follow the trail of the intruder “Leaf” to the University of Kaiserslautern in Germany, but that’s where the trail appears to end.
Anti-DRM Hack (October 2001)
In our eyes, not all hackers are bad guys (as evidenced by our list of the Ten Greatest Hacks of All Time); often they’re just trying to right a wrong or make life generally easier for the tech-consuming public. Such is the case of the hacker known as Beale Screamer, whose FreeMe program allowed Windows Media users to strip digital-rights-management security from music and video files. While Microsoft tried to hunt down Beale, other anti-DRM activists heralded him as a crusader.
Dennis Kucinich on (October 2003)
As Representative Kucinich’s presidential campaign struggled in the fall of 2003, a hacker did what he could to give it a boost. Early one Friday morning the homepage was replaced by the campaign’s logo. The page then automatically redirected to a 30-minute video called “This is the Moment,” in which the candidate laid out his political philosophy. The Kucinich campaign denied any involvement with the hack, and whoever was responsible was not identified.
Hacking Your MBA App (March 2006)
Waiting on a college or graduate school decision is a nail-biting experience, so when one hacker found out how to break into the automated ApplyYourself application system in 2006, it was only natural that he wanted to share the wealth. Dozens of top business schools, including Harvard and Stanford, saw applicants exploiting the hack in order to track their application statuses. The still-unknown hacker posted the ApplyYourself login process on Business Week’s online forums; the information was promptly removed and those who used it were warned by schools that they should expect rejection letters in the mail.
The 26,000 Site Hack Attack (Winter 2008) was among the largest of the thousands of sites used by a group of unknown hackers earlier this year to redirect traffic to their own JavaScript code hosted by servers known for malware. The malicious code was embedded in areas of the sites where users could not see it, but where hackers could activate it.
Supermarket Security Breach (February 2008)Supermarket Security Breach (February 2008)
Overshadowed only by a T.J Maxx breach in 2005, the theft of at least 1,800 credit and debit card numbers (and the exposure of about 4.2 million others) at supermarket chains Hannaford and Sweetbay (both owned by the Belgium-based Delhaize Group) in the Northeast United States and Florida remains unsolved more than six months later. Chain reps and security experts are still unclear as to how the criminals gained access to the system; the 2005 T.J.Maxx breach took advantage of a vulnerability in the chain’s wireless credit transfer system, but Hannaford and Sweetbay do not use wireless transfers of any sort. Without more information, the difficulty in tracking down those responsible grows exponentially. Gets a Redirect (May 2008) Gets a Redirect (May 2008)
A devious hack doesn’t always mean finding a back door or particularly crafty way into a secure network or server; sometimes it just means that account information was compromised. Such was the case earlier this year when a member of the hacker group Kryogeniks gained unauthorized access to’s registrar, Network Solutions. The domain name system (DNS) hack altered’s homepage to redirect those attempting to access webmail to the hackers’ own page (pictured). Spokespeople for Comcast and Network Solutions are still unclear as to how the hackers got the username and password.
My favorite device is called the iphone 5s.
First, much as I love hi-tech solutions for their own sake, I still need to see practical benefit. While I am wowed by the 64-bit CPU, I can’t honestly think of a single occasion when I’ve been using an app and wishing my phone were faster. Perhaps I would if I were a gamer, but I’m generally not. My experience of using my 4S is that I touch a button and something happens. Mobile data delays, sure, but waiting for the processor to do something? Doesn’t ever happen for me.
It’s not like a laptop. The switch from 32-bit to 64-bit there was night-and-day with some tasks, like processing lots of photos and video editing. But those processor-intensive operations aren’t the kind of thing I do on my phone.
Detailed specific answer. But I notice you did not mention the iPhone 6 or Samsung smartphones.
I’m not really interested in the iPhone 6 because it is very much the same as a typical iPhone, and it bends without a cover on, ill just wait for the iPhone 7 to see if it made a difference. Samsung phones are alright, its just that i’m not into it right now, it depends on the person, if they want a phone that has more features, then best goes for Samsung, if they want a more simpler phone, best goes for the iPhone.
I bet that people are so crazed about minecraft because millions of people are playing it. Plus its very successful in the sale business, earning “notch” the creator millions of money for the game. but for the kids its a perfect game that kids are very imaginative. it allows kids to build, explore and craft things.
My favorite websites that make me help studying are the links below
I like to use these three wbsites to help me with my homework,, and
3 sites that help me with my homework are Google in general,Khan Academy,and lastly
My favorite device to use is a smartphone, because its faster to access and portable other than a tablet
Reasons most people like Minecraft is because they find it to be a fun game where you can build things.
Net Neutrality is the concept Internet providers should give access to all content and applications regardless of the source.
10 Most Recent Cyber hacking Incidents :Skype, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Yahoo, Target, Chase, Instagram, Burger King, Pokemon
My favorite device to use is my phone, because it has my twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.
– I think that kids are crazy about Minecraft because it’s fun and allows you to build your own things. It also lets you play with friends or other people . Also it lets you use your creativity to do whatever you want. Overall, its a very fun game.
– Net neutrality is a principle that internet service providers enable access to all the content and applications no matter what the source is and also that it does not block or favor particular websites or products.
– The 10 most recent cyberhacking incidents are:
– Snapsave
– Target Credit Cards
– Russian Hackers Hacking NATO
– JP Morgan Chase
– Verizon Wireless
– iCloud
– Burger King Twitter
– Twitter
– Google Alternative Mail
– Skype
– My favorite device to use my iphone because since its small i can carry it around easier than a tablet. Also it has many useful features and I can do a lot of things with it. I get entertained with my phone because I can listen to music, play games, go on internet or social media websites, or I can just take pictures.
– The 3 websites that I find really helpful while I’m doing my homework are , , and
Net Neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication.
My favorite device is my computer I like to use it to watch youtube videos and to play games.
it says smartphone or tablet, not computer
What is your favorite device to use…a smartphone or tablet and why.
My favorite device to use is my galaxy s5.It is a smart phone and its very handy.I have never personaly liked any other brand of phones like iphone or Nokia. I like that they are different from most other phones, and also my phone has a built in waterproof case. I am already used to the controls or buttons of the galaxy and i love the size of the phone. And it also has better color than the iphone. People sometimes hate on the size of most galaxy phones, but i like it because i dont like little screens.
My favorite device to use is my ipod because it is easy to use to look at the websites and, to help me on my homework
Mobile devices allow you to post and reply to homework assignments and classmates.
My favorite device would probably be my cellphone because i could carry it everywhere and its easier to manage and you can communicate better with people like by a phonecall or a text. A tablet is more about playing games and doing activities and with a smartphone you can do all that plus more so i would prefer a phone.
Name your 3 favorite websites that help you with homework or learning.
My 3 favorite websites that help me with homework or learning are:
What is net neutrality?
Net neutrality is “the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites”, in other words free speech on the Internet.
Net neutrality means that anything that is online and that is visible for people to see should be considered equally by the viewers or the government and not judged
List the reasons why kids are crazy about Minecraft.
1. It challenges kid’s brains
2. It’s for both boys & girls (both are drawn to it)
3. You can play it on desktop PCs, tablets, & smartphones
4. You can build things in the game
5. No rules to the game
You provided detailed listed answers to a game that adds to your learning.
In my own opinion, I believe kids are crazy about Minecraft because you’re really allowed to create anything. Although I don’t like this “world” I still believe its a good game. It doesn’t interest me but the fact that it interests most kids it must have really cool features. You can choose who you want to play with, so its all really up to you if you want to enjoy your game.
Net Neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.
1. Youtube I can search up some good videos about academics
2.Facebook I could talk about the homework with friends over the internet
3. Instagram because people can post pictures of their work progress
Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication. The term was coined by Columbia media law professor Tim Wu in 2003 as an extension of the longstanding concept of a common carrier. Proponents often see net neutrality as an important component of an open Internet, where policies such as equal treatment of data and open web standards allow those on the Internet to easily communicate and conduct business without interference from a third party. A “closed Internet” refers to the opposite situation, in which established corporations or governments favor certain uses. A closed Internet may have restricted access to necessary web standards, artificially degrade some services, or explicitly filter out content.
I like a smartphone better because it is more portable. It also has a lot more apps. Also it is a lot more common
Minecraft is an all age game. You can fight,build and survive in the game. Also you can choose if you want to play with others or play by yourself.
Kids are crazy about Minecraft because its a challenging & creative game.
Net Neutrality is the Internet’s guiding principle. It preserves our right to communicate freely online. This is the definition of an open Internet.
I would use smartphone because tablets cannot make calls like a smartphone and a tablet is to big to carry a smartphone is easily fit in your pocket.
My favorite website to help me with my learning is Google, Ask, and
Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication. The term was coined by Columbia media law professor Tim Wu in 2003 as an extension of the longstanding concept of a common carrier. Proponents often see net neutrality as an important component of an open Internet, where policies such as equal treatment of data and open web standards allow those on the Internet to easily communicate and conduct business without interference from a third party. A “closed Internet” refers to the opposite situation, in which established corporations or governments favor certain uses. A closed Internet may have restricted access to necessary web standards, artificially degrade some services, or explicitly filter out content.
My favorite device to use is both because i can play with my tablet and have music in there. My smartphone, i use it to watch videos listen to music text call use the internet. I use wikipedia, google and yahoo. to help me with my hw.