1 year college no debt degree offered by Mission U no frills no extracurricular activities just a skill oriented in-demand college degree with NO student loan debt. The future of learning is here. Currently Mission U has 1 degree but plan to expand their degree offerings and since Mission U has connections to the top tech companies in the world students have opportunities for internships and maybe employment. Would you attend Mission U? View my highlights- https://diigo.com/09ip7c
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Attending a one year college is cheaper, but the person might not learn a lot to be ready for the real world. If Mission U is able to give great jobs that pay well, then people can go the easier and faster route to get a degree and a job.
Attending a one year college would cost less than attending a 4 year university because the tuition would not pile up. If Mission U gives great jobs and pays well then im sure there will be more people who will take that route.
This college accepts no Loans.Also I would not attend mission U.
Attending a one year college is not for everyone because there are few jobs that you can actually get for that experience. Since it is just 1 year, people may not be prepared and may not have learned what is necessary to master their job. That being said, Mission U is a college that only few should go to because of the limited amount of jobs you can get.
I personally would not attend Mission U because I want the full college experience. Also, they don’t offer any majors aiming towards my desired profession.
I would not attend Mission U because that wont get you that many jobs when you look for one. Sense its 1 year you wont really learn that many things.
No, I wouldn’t attend Mission U. I think that just a year of college wouldn’t teach you every thing there is to learn to be ready in the real world. A full four year college would be 100% better than just a one year one, but if your not really planing on going to college at all I think a one year college is good considering your not planing on getting anything.
The college doesn’t accept loans, but going to college is still good either way.
I wouldnt cause it doesn’t accept loans.
One Year college is cheaper. Although, the student won’t learn as much as a person who goes to a four year college.
I would not attend Mission U because it is a 1 year college and you wouldn’t learn that much. Also, you won’t have many opportunities to find a good job in the real world.
Yes I would attend this college that is a skilled based college. If it can people find their skill, then people should take the opportunity to attend.
I feel like a 1 year college isn’t worth a lot when looking for a job. So a 1 year college doesn’t really work if you want a career.
I would not attend because I want to go to college to learn everything I need to know for the real world. I feel like I wouldn’t experience college in just one year and would rather attend a 4 year.
A 1-year college would be cheaper but would not prepare you for the real world .
Going to a one year college can benefit some. Although its benefiting, people may not be prepared. I would personally go to a 4 year vs a 1 year.
A one year college its not good because it really don’t prepare you to get a real job.
It will be a bit cheaper but i do not think it is better idea. Students go to college to learn some knowledge to afford his/her future and career too. One year college degree cannot provide the knowledge, ideas and skill too.
No loans and not enough learning compared to a 4 year.
In my opinion It depends on what you want to major in. Some majors dont necessarily need a four year, you can do good with a one year college.
Attending a one year college is not for everyone because there are few jobs that you can actually get for that experience. In my opinion It depends on what you want to major in. Some majors dont necessarily need a four year, you can do good with a one year college.
Having inexpensive and available education for anyone, seems like a good way of increasing the knowledge of the average person. The education given in those universities, would lack enough content as for it to make a difference in the persons curriculum, especially since they only offer one degree.
I think going to Mission U can help a few people, but it won’t help them be prepared for the real world. I would prefer going to a 4 year rather than a year.
Attending a 1 year college might be ideal for some students who don’t want to deal with school, spend as much money, or just want a overall idea of their career but for me, I plan on attending a 4 year because I want more than average.
I’m not so sure of the 15% pay back for three year… that adds up to a lot of money.
That can be a chunk of cash.
I believe that a 1 year college can be good for certain people who don’t really enjoy spending their time in school. I also believe that it can also be bad because in some type of jobs requires more experience and learning than one year so that’s what I believe.
Impressive answer and work.
I think it good for some people to only get one year 1 of training but some jobs need way more experience to get the job
Yes experience is crucial to land a good job.
I would not attend a 1 year college program because I feel that there a still a lack of experience needed to apply to jobs and to actually find a career that would accept such little college education.
Super answer.
I wouldn’t want to go to a 1 year college because to me your not really learning alot so I rather just go to a 4 year college even though a 1 year college might cost less I would like to have a education or at least learn something.
Very true. Might be cramming too much information into 1 year degree. Outstanding answer.
Based on the description, Mission U seems like a great alternative for the individuals that would like to work right after high school. Getting a degree after a single year seems like a dream come true. However, for those of us who’d like to become a doctor or vet, I don’t think Mission U would be the best choice.
Excellent detailed answer you carefully thought about the 1 year degree.
I would not apply because 1 year of college won’t help you. Also, you won’t learn and have fun studying. I will rather enjoy what I am studying and working for longer than not learn anything.
One year is enough to get a decent education, especially for careers in which only basic skills need to be learned. As long as a career needs more ingenuity than a true skill set, one-year college is a cheap and viable solution that allows for fast entrance into the adult world.
I would not go to Mission U because although it leaves you with no debt, it takes away the full college experience from young adults. Also, it lacks the same prestige as many other universities, so it could make finding a job harder.
I would not take Mission U because of the lack of recognition from employers.
I would not take Mission U because of the lack of degrees. I don’t think that sacrificing a good education is worth saving money on student loans. College is where you prepare to start the rest of your life and having that firm foundation is more important than saving money. In the long run, a firm foundation in college will help you bring in more money and stability than save on student loans.
I would not take Mission U because of the lack of degrees. I don’t think that sacrificing a good education is worth saving money on student loans. College is where you prepare to start the rest of your life and having that firm foundation is more important than saving money. In the long run, a firm foundation in college will help you bring in more money and stability than save on student loans.
Although I am not completely familiar with the specific details of what MissionU, the words “Instead of a generic degree, you’ll graduate with a robust resume and a portfolio of work” make me reluctant. “MissionU is a full-time commitment for one calendar year,” which is a lot of time and effort put in on the student’s part, but with little to show for it other than experience it does not seem appealing. I’m sure it would be an ideal choice for those wishing to prepare themselves for the workforce, but for people who want to specialize in a major, this doesn’t seem like the option for them.
True MissionU works for a certain type of “lean” education experience.
One year and no student dept? sign me up, this kinda pushes me forward to attend college. Maybe hopefully MissionU??
I would not take Mission U because of the lack of degrees. I don’t think that sacrificing a good education is worth saving money on student loans. College is where you prepare to start the rest of your life and having that firm foundation is more important than saving money. In the long run, a firm foundation in college will help you bring in more money and stability than save on student loans.