U.S> Too Focused on Four-Year Degrees, LinkedIn CEO says
Maybe certs and technical 2 year degrees is new path to the middle class. Is it possible that the traditional 4 year college degree is overrated? Seems that the 4 year college degree does not prepare college students with the “hard-skills” to secure a middle or high paying career in comparison to certificates or 2 year technical degrees that yield a stronger financial payoff.
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I think a lot of people are just trying to gain a higher degree to get more money than too have a better plan. There are people without college degrees making millions. So, it doesn’t matter about the degree it’s nice to show people but it’s not required. As long as there is an original plan for a business or product anything can happen.
I agree with your statement because there are people that want a degree to get good jobs with a good salary.
the difference between a 4 year college and a 2 year is that a 4 year you get to learn more about what your doing your more qualified in it and for a 2 year you do learn about it but your not getting more experience with it so it will be better in
i do agree with this article because when we are trying to get your degree because if you really like to be someone in this life and get a good job that why its really important to go to college to get that degree it would take a long but it worth at the end of the year.
Solid answer on the value of college.
The author says that our people would do so much better if everyone was not forced to have a four year degree to get a certain type of job and the country also needs a lot of skilled workers. He also states that not enough weight is given to vocational training facilities. I do not really agree with his opinion.
After college, students find it hard to find jobs. Career offices in the campus greatly help the chance of getting a job right after graduation, but about 4 out of 10 students are able to get jobs since they visit often. There are different ways to find jobs, such as connection. The effort input by the student is a major factor whether they are able to get the job or not. If the student was able to get an internship during college or even if they navigating through campus networks then they are most likely to get the job they want in a short time compared to those who have done nothing.
More and more people are beginning to realize that years and years of school are not necessary to succeed. Individuals who learn trades can be just as wealthy as those who obtain some master’s degrees. Truth be told, it is the influence of earlier generations that leads modern society into believing that “blue-collar jobs” are low class.
People automatically think that it is ideal to succeed in life only if you have a 4 degree education, but there is evidence that it isn’t always the case. Many years of school won’t always automatically give you a high paying job, it’s the effort you put into your job and how you advertise yourself to succeed. Being able to create your own plan and bring your own ideas out to the world.
I think some 4-year degrees do pay off but a lot of them don’t have the financial pay off as some 2-year degrees do. As a result some students are left with huge student loan debts and a low paying job. A lot of the 2-year degrees are a lot cheaper and pay off a lot more in the long run. There are many people without any type of degree that make millions, even billions of dollars. As you can see, a degree is not necessary to be wealthy.
My good friend Art Lewin talks about his “PhD” view his video on success here https://youtu.be/fCeUlmwYKIA
Good to hear your point of view.
I initially thought the article was a bit strange and intriguing in a way. I would’ve never viewed the 4-year(bachelor’s) degree as overrated. The 4-year college degree is not necessary for certain work fields, but if you choose to pursue a career in the medical field it is beyond mandatory. However, the article was interested to read because they dicussed many key ideas on why the degree could be overrated and not a serious requirement. People have an instinct that in order to do well in your desired career, you must have a degree, but this is not always the case.
They are talking about a 4 year college and how it is overrated.As well as saying that the 4 year college plan does not give hard skills.It is better to have a 2 year than a 4 year.
Education nowadays is really focused on just getting you into college and trying to convince you to go to college than actually teaching you what you need to know such as what you want to major in. I always get frowned upon when I say I am definitely not going to college but reality is I do not even now what I want to be. However, the career path that I am considering does not require college, just training classes. Education should really involve helping us with what pathway to take, instead of putting college first.
A four year degree is important if yuour are looking for something to be proud of work hard for, but that doesn’t mean you have to do all that just to get a job you could become the CEO of a componay or have a position that still pays great amount of money and still have a 2- year degree. Overall it’s just a matter of choice you can choose a 4- year degree or a 2- year degree.
i believe that we all have to go for a 4 year college becasue we have to practice our skill we want to be.is not how long you went to college is how do you know your major.if your ready or not.
I belive that a 4-year college degree is a great think to have and I dont think it over rated. I also think that if they did decide to accept a 2-year degree instead of 4 I think it would give a lot more people an opportunity to get a good paying job. I still belive that having a 4-year degree is way better that just having a 2 year one.
i believe that a four year education is the best and that there is nothing wrong with going to a two year university before the 4 year university
There’s some people that think when people have a 4 year college degree there gonna succeed in life. You don’t really need a 4 year college degree to get a good job or to succeed. You could go to a 2 year college and you will have a chance to succeed too.
I think this 4 year college can be worth it but sometimes from there, that’ll just get you a degree so you can go to another school for more years. It all just depends on what you’re studying for.
4 year college is good you get education. Also your job will pay more. Another thing is that it will give you a degree.
I think that a four year college is good for us because it can help us get better jobs in the future and help us learn more about what we want to become. I disagree with the U.S being to focused on four year college, I feel that four should be the way to go for everyone because we could really learn about what we want to become and even get the experience for future resumes.
Superior answer and writing with reasons to support going to college.
I do agree that a 4-year college is to overrated. I think it’s overrated because now a days you can’t even get a job in that degree that you got. Might as well just go to a 2 year college and probably get a better job. It will be better to go to a 2-year college because you won’t be wasting as much time and it will probably better.
The four year college degree is not necessarily overrated, It can be, but for many people it is new. More and more people every year are looking to attend college. 70% of people attending college don’t have a bachelor’s degree, and about 66.9 of Americans actually have a bachelor’s degree and higher, and only 10.8 percent of people in America have a graduate’s degree, up from about 8.6% a decade ago. College is still kind of a new thing for people, and most people still rely on their high school diplomas for employment, and decent paying jobs.
A 4 year college is worth it because regardless , education is good. As long as you are pursuing your career , its okay . No matter what college you go to is okay. Pursuing an education is a great thing no matter the school .
After College it is too hard to find a suitable job for every students. In my point of view 4 years college will be better because it allows students to get more skills and knowledge which will help then to earn for their living and further education.
I think that after high school people need to have an education that is best suited to the field that they want to work in. It does cost a lot to go to college and other thinsg so I think that going to a four year college and being able to get a degree after only 4 years is the best thing.
I think that a 4 year degree is so that you learn more about your major and that will give you more higher paying career opportunities. Some people think it’s worth it but I think you are okay with getting a 2 year because you can still get a decent paying job. It all depends on what career you are pursuing
I think its interesting that in previous years, a four year college education was needed in order to succeed. I think it’s great that kids who do only two years of college now have a high success rate. Its important to understand that different people have different goals and needs. Although I do believe this is a good change, I will stick to the traditional four years
The higher the education the more the pay, therefor I believe taking a two year course is not an ideal choice. However it also depends on the career wanted. As general ed courses must be taken, it would be harder to cramp these up within a two year time period. I do not believe four year colleges are overrated due to the knowledge and experience that is going to be applied to the person. As I am soon to attend a four years of post secondary school, I am willing to manage with the time I have been assigned due to the outcome pay that is possible.
Education is important but in reality you dont really need to go to a 4 year college to be successful. Unles its a career that requires it like a lawyer, doctor etc. It wouldnt be a bad idea to also attend a 2 year it would depend more on the career and your personal dicision.
I think getting a four year education can be beneficial for people who are looking for a job. But it doesn’t give as much of a better job compared to someone with not as much of an education. Most jobs do not look for someone who has a better, higher education. It depends on how the person impresses. All depends on what you want to do as your career.
This piece on the overflow of people with university degrees is useful for those who wish to go into the kind of job that is as called in the text a “mid skill job”. It does not disencourage education, it simply gives a clear expanation of how a degree has lost its unikeness and value. It also gives information on other courses one can take, without having to spend outrageous amounts of money for this education.
Superior college level writing and answer. Right-on there are options to the college degree.
I think a lot of people are just trying to gain a higher degree to get more money than too have a better plan. There are people without college degrees making millions. So, it doesn’t matter about the degree it’s nice to show people but it’s not required. As long as there is an original plan for a business or product anything can happen.
Very cool. Killer essay and argument Art Lewin style.
It depends on the person if they want their dream job badly. People are different. Some people work harder than others to complete their desires. The others is still undecided on what they want to do for a career.
In my opinion, whether college is for you or not for you, it depends on your goals and ambitions in the way you perceive yourself in. Many people think you absolutely need to go to college to have a successful life. College is more of a personal decision to further educate yourself, it also benefits you in the mere future when you have competition in getting the job you want. But it’s definently not a necessity to guarantee that your life is going successful.
Slam dunk answer CJ Mentioned reasons why college can expand your mindset but not a ticket to prosperity.
Education is a very important thing to have because if you have education it could lead you to great job oppurtunnities. Education is also a good thing because education can mentally prepare you for a job. So this is why i think education is important for everyone.
Education is a very important thing to have because if you have education it could lead you to great job oppurtunnities. Education is also a good thing because education can mentally prepare you for a job. So this is why i think education is important for everyone.
That’s right education is important for you and our country.
Education is very in important because you want to be someone in the future. Education it could lead you to a great job and oppurtunnities .
Super answer and writing.