First they (minority’s) graduate with college degrees not in demand then they graduate with a degree in debt and then they start off in a lower paying job than other groups!!Middle and high school college counselors have to educate students on student loan debt ideally best to receive grants, scholarships or work through college.
Race gaps in indebtedness are larger than previously realized, according to a study published Friday in Children and Youth Services Review.
The risks faced by minorities in the course of financing a college degree can differ substantially from those faced by Whites of similar economic and educational standing.”
Black and Hispanic students are both more likely to take on debt and to take on more debt than white and Asian students, they found.
But the most likely explanation for the race gap, among those considered by the authors, is that black and Hispanic students go to different post-secondary institutions.
The U.S. higher education system is “an inequality machine,” Georgetown scholar Anthony Carnevale has suggested.
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