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Is a college degree the new high school diploma? Here’s why your degree’s worth is stagnant.
High schools should offer joint HS diploma with a 2 year AA degree maybe work with boot camp providers to accelerate entry into the workforce. Based on research by the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce the value of a high school diploma is economically worthless that means young people who want to skip the high social scene should consider alternate hybrid or online programs that will fast-track a student’s entry into the workforce. Instead of following the traditional high school diploma path students can graduate at 13 or 14 years with a high school diploma and an AA or AS degree at 18 years debt-free then move into their careers resulting in a more productive country creating wealth for all of us.
Is a college degree the new high school diploma? Here’s why your degree’s worth is stagnant.
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I think that high school should offer a joint to high school diploma. I really like this post because it can help students in many ways. This is a very helpful post not just for students but also for parents and teachers.
Many jobs require a college degree. The high paying jobs surely require a college degree, the high school diploma would show that you passed that level of education yet it is somewhat worthless. A high school diploma might not carry people to the jobs that they want.
I think getting a college degree is worth it. If you get a good degree in college you have a better chance of getting a great job. You can also make a lot of money.
It will benefit hard-working students who wants to start their career early. Although, it will also be a big problem to some students because at age 13 or 14 teenagers are not mature enough to take such big responsiblity. At that age, they are still trying to figure out who they are.
I believe college degrees are the new high school diploma. Almost all of the best jobs available require some form of education past high school. College isn’t necessary in order to become wealthy but it is expected of us.
i agreee with the joint diploma part because it is helpful but they should leave the AA degree in college so it can feel like you actually earned something. if you get a AA degree in highschool nobody would really want to go to college anymore. So AA degree should stay in college or university.
Homestly a college degree and a Highschool diploma are both great its just that the college degree give you more oppurtunity’s. Like you might get a higher chance of getting a job with a college degree other than a highschool diploma. When employers see your college degree they will probably think of you as hard working it will consider hiring you and you will get the job you wanted.
It would be very nice if we were able to have a joint diploma system, where we would be able to receive a diploma and an AA degree. I don’y necessarily agree with the claim that a high school diploma useless and not really valuable. Without a high school diploma it would be incredibly difficult to pursue in careers such as medicine, engineering, or science.
Unfortunately, it is unavoidable that the College Degree is the new high school diploma, as many jobs require a college degree. This can encourage many to actually go to college because they basically have to. I have mixed feelings about this, because I absolutely have no interest in college, I am struggling as it is and I am just a junior. I do not want to go because it costs a lot of money, and I know financial aid and all that exists and student loans but I do not want to debt myself trying to pay off loans nor do I want to waste people’s money if I am just going to drop out. If college was free then I think it would be a better choice, it would really then become the new diploma. Until then, I guess I am going to fail at life. :(:
having a high school diploma is important to having a starting point in life, but if you want to have a nice paying job then you must have a college degree. i think it would be good to have a joint diploma system, only because it would make things easier with high school and everything.
I agree that high school students should be offered a HS diploma and a 2 year associates degree. This opportunity would be beneficial for students wanting to graduate early, for reasons such as entering the medical field and not wanting to spend too much time in school. However, this shouldn’t be relied on heavily, because many jobs need more than a associates degree.
to be very truthful with you both are both very important. the minimum you need to make it in a company type of business is the highschool diploma. But if you’re applying for a job and you’re going against someone with a college degree they’ll beat you out because he graduated at a higher level than you especially in what business environment you are applying for.
Having a college diploma and a high school diploma are both great and theyll both get you somewhere but if you really think it about the college diploma will get you more places. The college diploma will just help you out because the staff will see that you have more knowledge on the job.
There both important but college will get your farther. High school diploma helps you get places in life but not a well college diploma. If you get a college diploma your life is set.
A college degree and a Highschool diploma are both great its just that the college degree give you more opportunities. because with a college degree the companies are going to see you put your greatest strength and you are a responsible person and are going to hire you
I believe that if this would of happen it would of been much easier. But i think having a high school diploma is still important and a college diploma is important too. Having both would lead you to a great future and a good paying job. Thats why its much better if you get both diplomas,the high school diploma and the college diploma.
I think it would be awsome to graduate with a traditional high school diploma at age 13 or 14 years old. It would also be a very great think to get AA or AS at the age of 18 years of age and then to be debt-free that would be really help a lot of low end student to get through school without paying thousands of dollars to pay for all the class you need to get a college degree.
I believe High schools should offer a joint HS diploma with a 2 year AA degree. It could be debt-free and it could move into their careers resulting in a more productive country creating wealth for all of us. So it means that everybody has a chance to get a job.
I think that the college degree is becoming the new high school diploma because you can get a good job without a college degree. Most people find it easier to get a high school diploma then a college one. Lastly, more people would get a high school diploma then a college one.
I believe high schools should have a joint high school diploma with a 2 year AA degree because it offers everybody more opportunities and chances to get a career or job. They can also be debt-free and move into their careers so that then can result in a more productive country creating wealth for all of us.
i think that college degrees have more benifits than tradition high school degrees because college degrees can get you a career as aposed to high school degrees wich can most likely get you just a job
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In the case of income, then college degree plays a vital role because every huge companies searches more college degree holders than high school diploma. They also have more skill and knowledge in their focused(subject) field.
I don’t agree that a college degree is the new high school diploma. You don’t necessarily need college. College is a choice for you to make to further educate yourself for the career you want. You don’t have to have a college degree to be successful. For instance, Steve Jobs.
College degrees have lost their value over the years. From the time when education changed from a privelege to a basic necessity and it’s been accessible to anyone who wants it, as it says in the article “high school diploma path students can graduate at 13 or 14” making the point that getting a high school diploma these days doesn’t even require attenndance to school or even the original age requirement of 18 to recieve the diploma, meaning more people have gotten their education, that increased the amount of diplamas, making it lose value by the basic principle of supply and demand, making a college degree be as worthless as a high school degree. This suggests that in a close future, a masters and a PhD will become no more valuable than a college degree.
I believe that a college diploma is so much more better then a high school diploma, so to me it is of course worth the effort too get it. Some people think that once you get your high school diploma, you are set but the truth is that in order to get a real money making job, you need a college diploma. If not, you could be stuck flipping burgers at McDonald’s for the rest of your life, and that really isn’t worth it…!
College degrees are the new high school diplomas. Public education has been made more accessible to people, and so the value of a high school diploma has gone down. It is increasingly difficult to find jobs that do not require college degrees.
College degrees are the new high school diplomas in the sense that a high school diploma is now virtually worthless to use for entry into the workforce. At the same time, joint high school and college degrees prevent higher education. Students, while entering the workforce early, will no longer be interested or able to pursue higher education or selective professions, and may even end up using the early college program to take an easy path into making money. Higher caliber professions will see less prospects with the popularization of a program that combines an associates degree with high school education.
It’s a two way street. High schools don’t offer job training because some students may be too young to decide what they want to do, and more and more colleges look for students who have a clear idea where they are going, and they look for extracurriculars that support the student’s career choice. The problem is, high schools offer NOTHING as part of its curriculum that will help a student later on in life. High schools need to offer partial job exploration rather than training in a certain field, that way, they can help the students that they exist for.
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