Spend your time elsewhere instead learn superstar skills fewer Americans in traditional liberal arts and public universities is positive news for Americans. Less student loan debt, less stress of graduating with degree in debt and less leftist useless dogma oh and a looming recession as companies are laying off college degree people in droves. Redirect Americans of college age, adults, immigrants and refugees toward skills that are in demand. I have too many damn degrees I mean at one time they were cheap I went rock-bottom attending a community college then on to a state university with tiny student loan debt salaries for professionals were exceeding the rate of inflation however colleges and universities were easily distributing student loans with minimal to no strings attached zero financial education.

Today I cannot believe in my United States grads and nongrads owing Uncle Sam the taxpayers $1.6 Trillion in student loan debt and guess what I have student loan debt like $20,000 but for 3 cheap college degrees I was already a good reader I just needed the college degrees for validation. I did not attend any of my college graduations only those of family and friends. I have no regrets but I received zero college education career guidance. Luckily I say because I completed my teacher certifications from 3 states means I can live a good life in another country. Nothing wrong with Career Technical Education or CTE, alternative certificates for technology, ecommerce, digital media you can pursue a career that brings you inner happiness and joy. Back in the 1970s I took courses in photography, horticulture, woodshop, small engines where I learned to assemble and disassemble engines preparation for the intro to mechanics class was always full. Grateful for “hands-on” learning but I am not the only one with a stack of college degrees to notice how our country deemphasized skills the trades now referred to as career technical education. I vividly recall my vocational arts classes taught by men Asian, Black and White not having a Hispanic teacher or principal played no role in who I am today. My parents father and mother traditional marriage people were the most important influence in my life. The college industrial complex took over in the 1990s ramping up the marketing for college degrees today there is a glut of unemployed and underemployed college grads in the liberal arts and social sciences and with a looming recession there will be more unemployed taking jobs from working people with a high school diploma.
Today the United States faces an acute of shortage of mechanics, carpenters, electricians you name every practical skills trade is in short and in most cases you can complete in 2 years or less and little to no student loan debt even with debt a career that will enable you to repay because of higher earnings than a teacher with a 4 year degree and teacher certificate another year so 5 years to be a teacher and earn less than a mechanic. A case in point my old buddy CTE teacher from Artesia High school in the ABC Unified School Marty the mechanics instructor making $65 bucks an hour I was like WTF then later Marty said he did not graduate with his mechanics 2 year degree he was an apprentice with a mechanic shop when the owner offered to sell his mechanic’s shop to Marty so Marty borrowed to buy the shop then Marty later purchased several more auto mechanic shops in time Marty college mechanic dropout No BA, MBA, JD became a multimillionaire no student loan debt, no socialist brainwashing instead a loyal loving American.
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