Recently read several articles about the decline of men on college campuses across the United States one of the reasons cited has been anti-male hostility toward men on campus, the incredible dominance of women in higher education that I believe has discouraged men and the current college experience aside from sports and Stem is no longer geared towards the natural talents and attributes of men. I know a little bit about college having completed three college degrees in fiesta studies or Latin American yeah one of the studies degrees at least it was a real academic area. I think back to my days in Middle School in Huntington Park California where I vividly recall my trades or skills classes during the industrial age of the United States. I recall taking a metal wood electronics machine shop and then later at the high school level I took Hands-On classes and photography horticulture even a class and then video production I’ve learned I recall those classes distinctly far more than my academic classes of social studies even science back then was all electric book. This is why I was the skills the trades even certification are directed towards men’s natural towns of doing things hands on touching and aesthetic learning experiences over the traditional college university lecture take a test read right communicate debating class those might be more geared toward women.
I like this article I didn’t know that women have increased their learning experience more than men. It is very interesting.