……..if you believe that slick piece of marketing then you’ve been fooled on Monday April 1st
April’s Fools Day 2024 Don’t Get Fooled Again (The Who) There are alternatives to the costly time consuming over-hyped college degree. Skills beat pieces of paper over here the WSJ did a story on the comeback to skills and trades in k-12 schools and colleges. There is a glut of college degree holders in the United States who are demanding student loan forgiveness for worthless college degrees. Another story from my favorite website Zerohedge a study on the declining value of a college degree in working and middle class families the bread-and-butter for traditional liberal arts colleges. College grads with pieces of paper claiming you are an “expert” in a field that requires reading and communication attributes are being ripped off and misled like the for-profit colleges that were shut down in California.
Back to the summer student loan debt drama with Biden slyly “forgiving” burdensome student loan debt but where are the colleges in creating the student loan debt debacle?

No surprise. During the pandemic, I met many college grads working in food delivery, ride-sharing known as “gig” employment nothing wrong with that everybody does something to survive but it seems like a massive waste of time and resources to spend time in the area you were taught to despise: the private sector. Earlier I mentioned my time in Tucson Arizona where I met drivers with degrees in social work, the liberal arts from the University of Arizona and Arizona State. A few with master’s degrees doing the ride-share I advised them to be a substitute teacher get into a school district but no many said they had no interest in their college degree course of study like social work and literature.
Take a closer look at college degrees with the highest unemployment rate. Conduct due diligence. Awhile back I had an idea to start a college rating service based on student loan debt and employment well now there are plenty of resources to make one of the most impactful decisions in your life.
Then there is this winner of a story from the Wall Street Journal about India like the United State you find college degree holders with liberal arts degrees unemployed and those Indians with STEM degrees likewise unemployed because of a lack of job creation. The Indian economy like the US economy is not creating enough type of employment to employ people with low-demand degrees.

Just read this killer column by National Review on the intellectual corruption of higher education.
Skills, skills and abilities that allow you to pursue your natural talents. Recently heard and saw my favorite college grad Mike Rowe talking about the failures of higher education to meet the needs of all Americans.
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