‘College Scorecard’ may change how students pick colleges – Business Insider
The federal government college scorecare is a great first start to alternative college rankings but most importantly where are mentions of student loan debt, employment, unemployment, some type of overall satisfaction rating.
And though the Times notes it falls short of the sweeping website it had originally aimed to create — which would have ranked every college in the US, presumably shaming poorly performing schools
The White House said the scorecard it will provide “the clearest, most accessible, and most reliable national data on cost, graduation, debt, and post-college earnings.”
At Fairfield University, the average annual cost to attend (as defined as the average annual net price for federal financial aid recipients, after aid from the school, state, or federal government) is $35,212.
the government’s website may revolutionize how prospective students make their college choice.
I like how this helps students be more informed about how college score cards can change how students choose colleges.